It's possible to put your talents to use by volunteering for a cause close to your heart. Your contribution can make a huge difference, whether you're building a playground or helping youngsters learn to read.
Volunteering is a terrific way to make new acquaintances. Friends are crucial to every community. If you want to utilize your abilities for good, volunteer. It is a great way of helping your local community.
Habitat for Humanity offers low-income households affordable homes. ReStore Bloomington, IL sells new and used furniture and appliances, cabinets, accessories, home and construction materials at a lower price.
Habitat for Humanity of McLean County has received funds from ReStore in an effort to decrease the amount of housing that is needed in our area and elsewhere around the globe.
You can apply for a position at the Bloomington ReStore, regardless of your hobbies or skills. Joining our team would be a dream come true for us, whether you like working with your hands, engaging in conversation with clients, or putting your skills in the areas of design or marketing to good use. Additionally, there is no time limit. You can attend as many times per month or weekly as you wish. Habitat for Humanity believes that every shift you work is a contribution (view blog) to its mission to provide affordable, safe homes for people in dire need.
Come by and let us know how you can assist! We can't wait to see you!